The Album Design…
We are now ready to present the wedding album design for Shane & Emily. They were married at Divine Child Catholic Church in Dearborn then they were off to their wedding reception at The Dearborn Country Club in Dearborn MI.
The Wedding…
We photographed this wedding a few months before the wedding album choices were provided to us by the clients. They pick out their favorite images from the wedding and we take it from there. A good wedding album layout takes some time as we fit the images together in a way that looks great! Once the layout is ready, we show the clients for their approval. If changes need to be made we rework those changes to get it right for our clients.
This is a beautiful example of a Coffee Table wedding album. We hope you enjoy!
If you would like to see their original wedding BLOG Post: Click Here!
We can’t wait for our next Divine Child Catholic church wedding!
A note about our logo on these photos…
The logo you see on these BLOG post images is for our web presence. This helps us should someone stumble on one of our images. It can lead them back to our site and we just might get a new booking from it. Your final images will be free of watermarks and ready for you to print or post.
Click here to see our photographer portfolios… | Important tips on hiring a photographer…

Getting Ready: Home in Dearborn MI
Wedding: Divine Child Catholic Church
Reception: Dearborn Country Club Reception Dearborn MI
Photographer: Patrick A. & Ryan L.
Type of Wedding Album Design: Coffee Table Wedding Album Design