Michael & Melissa’s Vintage Gallery Wedding album design from the Inn at St John’s Wedding & The Grande Ballroom Plymouth MI

May 22

Melissa & Michael chose a Vintage Gallery Album for their wedding photos.  It is clean and crisp and tells this wonderful story!  They had so much fun!  The “First Look” page is adorable, when Melissa walked down the long hallway at St. John’s.  Then they were able to relax and enjoy some time before the ceremony took place.

Patrick Abel wedding photograph
Patrick A. Photographer

The “reflection” page is breathtaking, and the girl’s dresses and flowers were so pretty.  After some family photos and some shots around the grounds, into the reception they all went.  A very special guest showed up during the evening and rocked the room!  Go Sparty!  Melissa & Michael, enjoy your album!

We can’t wait for our next Inn at St John’s wedding!

In your journey to see more great wedding photography from The Grande Ballroom, check out Katie & John’s wedding here.

See Michael & Melissa’s original wedding blog post!

A note about our logo on these photos…
The logo you see on these BLOG post images are for our web presence.  This helps us should someone stumble on one of our image. It can lead them back to our site and we just might get a new booking from it.  Your final images will be free of watermarks and ready for you to print or post.

Click here to see our photographer portfolios…   |   Important tips on hiring a photographer…

The Knot Best of Weddings Hall of Fame Special Moments Photography
Knot Hall of Fame

Wedding Photographs:   Inn at St John’s Wedding Plymouth
Reception Photographs:  Inn at St. John’s Grande Ballroom Plymouth
Type of Wedding Album:   Vintage Gallery Page
Photographer:   Patrick A.

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