Jennifer & Joshua engagement at the Law Quad in Ann Arbor MI

Engagement Session on the campus of the University of MI…

Our engagement photo session for Jennifer and Joshua was held on the campus of the University of MI in Ann Arbor Michigan. The couple was very easy to work with and possessed an air of confidence about themselves. It was fun to watch and certainly fun to photograph them.

We started out at the law school quad. This group of buildings was built in the twenties and thirties and has a beautiful courtyard in the middle. We then made our way over toward Angel Hall. Joshua brought his guitar and sang a couple of songs and let us take photos while he did. We are excited for their wedding!

If you are looking for a great spot for your engagement session, think about the Law Quad and campus at the University of Michigan.

We can’t wait for our next Ann Arbor MI wedding!  In your journey to see more great wedding photography from Ann Arbor, check out this special link here.

A note about our logo on these photos…
The logo you see on these BLOG post images is for our web presence.  This helps us should someone stumble on one of our images. It can lead them back to our site and we just might get a new booking from it.  Your final images will be free of watermarks and ready for you to print or post.

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Wedding Engagement:  Law Quad U of M Ann Arbor MI
Photographer:  Patrick A.

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