A great outdoor wedding…
What a blast! Erica & James had their home wedding Southeast MI at their parent’s beautiful home in New Hudson. The setting could not have been more perfect and the day was incredible for photography. The first look went off without a hitch and we managed to get most of the family photos done before the wedding. This left us lots of time to get some really fun photographs around the property of James & Erica.

The Plane high above…
I am not sure how they timed this but a plane took off from a local airport with a banner flying behind it, congratulating the couple as they kissed at the end of their service. I think James’ father is a pilot and pulled some strings for this one. It was absolutely fantastic and the guests had a ball with it, while we managed to get shots of a fast moving subject!
The Party…
Erica looked absolutely beautiful in her hand made dress. If anyone knows her designer, let us know and we will post her contact info up here for you, she did an outstanding job and Erica said she felt great in it. When the party got started there was great food on hand and lots of dancing. We even had some of the guests out howling at the moon. What a great time and thank you both for having us at your wedding, I think we captured some great moments for you and had a lots of fun doing it.
We can’t wait for our next home wedding southeast MI!
In your journey to see more great wedding photography from other home weddings, check out this link…
Check out his brother’s wedding a couple of years later.
See the clients Fine Art Wedding Album design post!
A note about our logo on these photos…
The logo you see on these BLOG post images are for our web presence. This helps us should someone stumble on one of our image. It can lead them back to our site and we just might get a new booking from it. Your final images will be free of watermarks and ready for you to print or post.
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Ceremony Location: Home Wedding Southeast MI
Reception Location: Home tent Reception Southeast MI
Photographer: Patrick A. & two photojournalists

OMG Shannon, everything was just beautiful. I love the sunset shots and the group shots. Is that Devin’s Sheltie? Your Mom and Dad look nice too. You all look nice 🙂