Patrick Abel wedding photograph
Patrick A. Photographer

It is the occasional bride that really takes things to the next level and Nicole was one of them.  She called us after her wedding wanting to do something out of the ordinary, she wanted to take more photos in her dress the next spring and get into some spaces where the dress would get dirty. 

We called it a Trash The Dress  “Lite” session where we did not destroy the dress as some brides do, but we got into some places where you just wouldn’t go with a dress before your wedding or reception.  We had a lot of fun that morning and got a lot of strange looks from people watching us.  I was pretty sure the truck driver that went by us when we stuffed Nicole in the trunk of her car was going to call the cops as he drove by with a terrified look on his face. 

We just kept working and laughed when he was gone when we thought about how that must look to a stranger.  It was so much fun and we really enjoyed ourselves!

We can’t wait for our next set of trash the dress photos!

Check out their wedding BLOG Post from Henry Ford Museum.

In your journey to see more great wedding photography from downtown Detroit, check out Dave & Angie’s wedding here.

A note about our logo on these photos…
The logo you see on these BLOG post images are for our web presence.  This helps us should someone stumble on one of our image. It can lead them back to our site and we just might get a new booking from it.  Your final images will be free of watermarks and ready for you to print or post.

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Trash The Dress Photos:  Downtown Detroit
Photographer:  Patrick Abel